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Договор о регистрации

Договор о регистрации программного обеспечения Программы «Малый бизнес» (далее по тексту ПО) являются авторской разработкой. Данный договор заключается с конечным пользователем. При заключении договора, пользователь покупает право на бессрочное использование оговоренного в договоре ПО. Прежде чем ..

Я так вижу!




PGMania - all in one astrophotography package for processing deep sky images. It provides wide and unique functionality, a powerful and flexible tool with a clear and convenient interface for astrophotography image processing. The program is constantly evolving. Each new version adds new functionality that is relevant for astro photographers. Known bugs are quickly eliminated.
email: pgmania@yandex.ru
telegram: @EugeneTrifonov

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Опубликовано в: Блог: PGMania


Translate docs
/pterodactilus vulgaris/

The author knows only the basic English and that is why he looks for volunteers and helpers - the native speakers to translate the documentation of the program in other languages, such as English, German, French, Chinese, and others.

As a PGMania program is not commercial and is free for distribute, this work is not paid by author.

We would appreciate for your assistance in the translation.

For our part, we can guarantee possible consultations and assistance in learning the program's abilities.

Nowadays detailed instructions and documentation available in Russian only. We apologize for the inconvenience.